Awards & Recognitions

Awards & Recognitions

The HRSE Summit & Expo is the MENA's most prestigious event within the Human Resources and Talent Development industry. CERT received the HRSE Mark of Excellence Award in recognition of the national impact of its Emiratization programs, particularly the Mubadala "Train for Work Program".

"The Mark of Excellence award acknowledges the contribution of each member of the CERT team, whose efforts and dedication made this achievement possible. CERT was privileged to work with the Mubadala Investment Company, one of the most distinguished leaders in Human Capital Development and Emiratization, in jointly paving the way for young Emirati leaders helping to shape the future of our nation." Dr. Mohamad Baka.

The Business Continuity Champions Award

Dr. Mohamed Baka, CEO of CERT said "The Business Continuity Champions award embodies our efforts over the course of the pandemic to ensure the continuity of learning and business for our stakeholders by placing their safety first and launching the first online platform to deliver vocational and technical training in the region - Menasati."

Best M-Government Service

CERT is the recipient of the "Best M-Government Service Award", an annual global award, which aims to highlight breakthroughs in government services through mobile applications. The "Best m-Government Service Award" is open for all governments globally.